
Key Word Sign Victoria has a committee of volunteers who help coordinate workshops and support KWS Presenters in their state to maintain their signing skills.
Please contact if you are interested in joining the committee.

Follow us on our Facebook page for more information about what’s happening in Victoria.


Key Word Sign Victoria organises Basic Key Word Sign Workshops on a regular basis.

You will learn:

• how KWS can improve interactions with children and adults who have difficulties understanding and using speech to express themselves
• approximately 60-80 signs
• how to incorporate KWS at home, and in educational and care settings

Community Workshops

Workshops are organised by the state committee across the year and are open to anyone interested in learning more about Key Word Sign.

We offer both full day face-to-face workshops or 2 x half day online workshops via Zoom.

Cost: $350 per person. Each person receives a copy of the book ‘Getting Started with Key Word Sign’.

Each person needs to have access to their own screen (laptop/computer screen or ipad).

For further information and bookings via credit card go to and in the search window type “Key Word Sign Victoria”.

If you require an invoice contact us at

You must register and pay prior to your attendance.

Closing date for all workshops – one week prior to the workshop you want to attend.

Private Workshops

You can also request a workshop for your family, workplace, or for the team of people who support the person using KWS. This is a great way to get everyone trained together, and to personalise the training for the particular individual. It may be a cost effective way of learning Key Word Sign and everyone in your community learns together.

Some ideas:

• Family training session.
• Invite people important to the person you support, like mum, dad, siblings, grandma, grandpa, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends, support workers, integration teacher, teacher, swimming instructor, neighbours, physio, OT, speech pathologist, etc.
• Whole team training – invite all the staff. Include teachers, integration aides or support workers, CEO, admin staff, cleaners, school bus drivers, regular taxi drivers, OT, psychologist, physio, speech pathologist, NDIS planner etc.

For a quote, booking or further information on Private Workshops email us at:


Key Word Sign may support NDIS participants to reach your communication and participation goals. Key Word Sign training and workshops can be funded in an NDIS plan under the following line items:

• Capacity Building Supports
• Improved Daily Living Skills

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Upcoming Events

Thu 09 Jan, 2025

Basic Training – Split Session – Virtual – 9th &16th Jan 2025

Wed 22 Jan, 2025

Basic Training – Full Day Workshop 22nd January 2025

Fri 24 Jan, 2025

Basic Training – full day – face to face – 24 Jan 2025

Tue 28 Jan, 2025

Basic Training – Online – Tuesday 28th January

Wed 29 Jan, 2025

Basic Training – full day – face to face – 29th January 2025

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