Presenter Membership Sign-Up Form


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Key Word Sign (KWS) Accredited Presenter. Membership is open to all qualified Key Word Sign Presenters who meet the eligibility requirements.

These are the benefits you will receive:

  • Access to all available training packages and associated resources
  • Use of the trademarked KWS logo on your website or public listing
  • Access to regular Sign Updates
  • Promotion through the “Find a Presenter” listing
  • Promotion of your workshops on the KWSA website
  • 10% discount on all products and resources in the KWSA Shop

Membership lasts for 12 months and renews at the cost above.

This Accredited Presenter Licence Agreement entitles an Accredited Presenter to deliver Key Word Sign Workshops according to the terms outlined and to display the Key Word Sign Australia logo™ on promotional hard copy and electronic material.

Please read the terms of the Licence and indicate your agreement.

Terms of this Licence Agreement:

  1. Face to face training will be delivered to a maximum of 15 people per workshop, or a maximum of 30 people if the training is delivered with another Accredited Presenter acting as a Sign Tutor, or if co-presented with another Accredited Presenter. It is recommended that online training is delivered to a maximum of 10 participants.
  2. All participants of the Basic Workshop will be given the book “Getting Started with Key Word Sign” as part of their participation in the training. It is included in the workshop fee.
  3. The Licensee will use only the approved Workshop Powerpoint materials (with the trademarked Key Word Sign Australia logo) when delivering KWS workshops.
  4. A KWS Workshop Report will be submitted after each workshop delivered, within two weeks of the training.
  5. The required royalty payment from each workshop delivered will be paid to Key Word Sign Australia within two weeks of the royalty invoice being sent.